“We seek to share the love of Jesus ……………
You only have to read through the pages of the gospels to realise the amazing love Jesus showed to all who came to him. Those whom he healed; those to whom he extended forgiveness; those to whom he taught the values of the kingdom. The outcasts, the rejected, the despised; Jesus had time for them all and refused to judge them. Above all, he went to the cross to redeem us from our sins. He gave His life for us, although we were still sinners, as Paul says in Romans 5. The love of Jesus is hard for us to understand because it goes far beyond our normal parameters. Yet, we believe we must try to emulate the love He showed.
by worship……. this is a response to the love God has shown us in Jesus. It demonstrates the worth we place on what God has done. So we acknowledge our love for God in song and word; by being still and by shouting out. Worship should help us to come closer to God.
faith……. it is by faith we are justified. Faith is what drives the church; faith is what encourages us to act in the name of Jesus; to do things that may at times take us out our comfort zone, to take risks not just for the sake of doing risky things, but because we love God and we believe He will equip us to achieve all that He desires for us.
fellowship ………we’d like to think that when you come to worship with us, you will feel welcome. When you get to know us a little bit, you will feel you are among friends where joys and sorrows can be shared and you can experience support and encouragement.
with all ages” The Christian faith is not just for older people; it is not just for women! It is for men, women, babies, children, teenagers and adults of all ranks.
Jesus died for all !